It is that wonderful time of year again…vacation time!! It’s time to load up the family and see the
country, go to the beach, or spend long overdue time catching up with beloved
distant relatives.
When going on a family vacation or just out of town for the weekend, the
trip is so much more fun and relaxing when you can bring your JRT along.

Training your JRT to travel, whether by car, plane, or other means of
transportation is best started at a young age, preferably when they are a
puppy. They will learn early not to be
so nervous, anxious, and scared when introduced to this new situation and new
When traveling with your JRT, there are a few helpful tips to keep in mind
that will make the trip easier and less stressful on both you and your
Pre-trip Checklist
First off, make a list of items that may be needed on the trip. Try to make sure to include anything and
everything that you might need for your JRT, so there will be no unexpected
surprises along the way. A few of the
suggested items for that list may include:
Start out with a relaxed and positive attitude. Your JRT will pick up on your moods, and
having an anxious or even irritated vibe about you will do neither of you any
Make sure you pack any medications
that your JRT may currently be taking. I
know with most of my girl’s meds, they are prescribed, and filled by their
veterinarian. So, if something was to
happen, and I didn’t have one with me, it would not be possible to pick them up
along the way. So, make sure you pack
all of your JRT’s essential medication, plus any added extra items that may be
needed, such as pepto-bismol for any upset stomach and benadryl in case of any
allergic reactions. It is better to be
prepared when it comes to your traveling companion.
Next you will need to make sure you have their leash, collar, and a recommended ID tag. Your JRT may not be chipped, so in this case an
ID tag is a must when going out of town.
Heaven forbid that your JRT gets away from you and your family. But if it does happen, whoever finds them
will need to know how to contact you, to help reunite you with your companion.
Water, food and bowls are a must.
As with humans, the very act of traveling can cause gastrointestinal
changes in your JRT as well. And,
changes in something as simple as the local water their system is used to can
play havoc on them, and your trip. Their
regular food is a must as well, as changing their diets from their usual
cuisine will upset their systems, whether they are traveling or at home. So, be safe, and make sure they have a great
a time on your trip as you do.
Blankets and toys are a good idea to bring along. If the weather is cooler then the blankets
will provide extra needed warmth. When a
JRT gets nervous, the comfort of a blanket, from home, with a familiar smell or
feel, can sometimes be just what the doctor ordered. If your JRT has a favorite toy, or toys,
makes sure to bring them along as well.
Not only will they provide an extra layer of comfort, they will also
help to alleviate boredom from long periods of travel time.
Plastic bags for rest stops along the way are a must
have. Most people, when thinking of what
is needed for their JRT on a trip, totally forget this one crucial item. I mean, we take multiple pit stops on a trip,
why wouldn’t our companions? And to be
honest, do you really think it is good manners to leave “that” behind for
someone else to deal with, or even heaven forbid step in?
Baby wipes or washcloths, for incidental cleanups as they occur. Whether they are needed after a pit stop, or
after meal time, or even after the occasional dilly dally in a stray water
puddle, wipes are a must have on the list.
You do not want to have to travel in a car, soiled or dirtied by your
JRT, for any amount of time. So, make
sure to include one or both of these on your must have list.
Pre-trip veterinarian visit
Before heading out on any trip, be sure to have your veterinarian give your
JRT a quick check up.
This step is a
preventative measure, because traveling with a sick JRT can be stressful with
all concerned. Also make sure that your
JRT is up to date on all boosters and rabies inoculations, as well as any
additional ones needed for the trip.

Depending on how you chose to travel, to how your companion may be
handled. If you are traveling with your
JRT by airplane, there are rules and regulations for their travel that must be
strictly adhered to. Check with your
travel airline for these rules and regulations.
Securing your JRT for the trip
If you are traveling by car, then it is now time to make sure that your JRT
is properly secured for the trip. The
best method for this is a crate. Your
JRT should not be able to roam the car, or stick its head outside the window
while the car is in motion. In the event
of an accident, a roaming JRT could sustain injuries of a life threatening
nature, could be the cause of the accident.

When choosing a crate, make sure that your JRT
has ample room to stand up, turn around, and move so that they may remain
comfortable. Also, make sure that the
crate is well ventilated on as many sides as possible, so as not to become
stuffy and stifling for your companion.
Then, make sure that the crate itself is secured adequately. Because, let’s be honest, if the crate is not
properly secured, it can be just as dangerous, if not more of a hazardous than a freely
roaming JRT in the instance of an accident.
If you do not like the idea of a crate, a barrier that sections off a back
part of the vehicle will work just as well.
Granted, it allows the JRT more room to move, but it is not as safe as a
crate would be in an accident.
Lastly, you can use a seat belt harness for your JRT. This will provide them with less ease of
movement as a crate, but at the same time they may sit closer to you or your
children during the trip, and that might aid in reducing their stress and
anxiety levels. If this is the method
you choose make sure that the harness you use is one that is specifically
engineered for this purpose.

Plan for frequent pit stops
Just as when traveling with children, you JRT will need frequent pit
stops. The thrill alone of traveling in
the car will help make for a nervous bladder, and frequent stops will ensure
both the deterring of accidents, as well as the comfort of your JRT.
Plus, if it is a particularly long trip, then your JRT will need frequent
opportunities to stretch their legs. If
they are made to stay pent up for extended periods of time, with no opportunity
to relieve themselves or some of their anxious energy, then you will be setting
yourself and them up for problems, and unwanted situations. So, when planning your trip, make sure to
include pit stops for your JRT.

Okay, you have everything you need packed, you have your JRT secured in the
car, and have plenty of pit stops planned.
It is time for you and your family to hit the wide open road, and enjoy
your vacation time together. Remember,
with a little planning, your JRT can be included in all your family vacations,
as they should be.
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